MATH*Ability is delivered to your child in one of 3 ways. Here’s how each method works.


Via Email

Each week, you’ll receive an email packet that has a set of daily practice sheets, an answer key for the sheets, a once-weekly test and a key for the test.


Your child completes the daily homework, checks it with your assistance, and then corrects any errors.

After 7 days, you give the weekly test to your child and score it. Send us the score and we’ll provide the next packet set. The packets vary depending on each child’s performance.


If your child needs one-on-one tutoring on their MATH*Ability lessons, they can call us at 831-275-0106 for assistance.  The tutoring is included in the service fee.


The cost is $45 for 3 months of service. You can download the free placement tests to see where your child will begin.


Click To Sign Up


In-Person Instruction

Direct instruction delivery is available in Salinas and Monterey California only. Direct Instruction differs from the email service in that we administer the weekly tests, grade them and provide you with pre-printed packets. Call 831 275 0106 for details.


Via Your Child’s School

MATH*Ability is available for school-wide adoption. The package includes scanning, grading, logging and printing software as well as all the whole-number arithmetic series.


Additional upgrades which cover fractions, decimals and signed-arithmetic are also available. More details are available by emailing

  Info [@] mathability dot com or  call

 831 275 0106

Via Email, In-Person or School

Placement Tests